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    Regal Cinemas Think You're All Idiots - Playing Sharknado at Midnight Next Week

    Nothing wrong with enjoying a movie in So Bad, It's Good fashion. We have all done it and sometimes pointing out the flaws is the best way to justify the money and more importantly time wasted watching such crap. But paying money to see it at midnight when said movie was made for television and hence never intended for such format is different.

    Regal Cinema is hoping that li'l factoid won't stop you from shelling out cash to Sharknardo, the recent disaster creature-feature produced by SyFy. All the attention and hype it got online, and resulting piss-poor ratings, showed once again the divide from us dorks online and everyone else in real life.

    If your local cinema is one of the 200 selected and you're an idiot, you can enjoy Sharknardo next Friday (August 2) at midnight.

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