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    First Look at Diablo Cody's Paradise

    Diablo Cody is directing now. It's a national progression. Start off with a home-run like Juno her first time at the batter's plate, win every screenwriting award under the sun including the Oscar, become the scorn of the Internet (Translation: maladjusted men who still associate girls with the term "Icky") with your follow-up Jennifer's Body and then come full circle with Young Adult. What else was there to do after doctoring work for other directors than take a shot at it herself?

    USA Today has the first look at her directorial debut, Paradise hitting cinemas October 18. Julianne Hough plays a religious young woman on a road trip to Las Vegas after her faith is shattered following suffering severe burns. Octavia Spencer, Russell Brand and Holly Hunter co-star. And yes before you ask, that is Nick Offerman as Hough’s father. It's OK. I didn't recognize him too.

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