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    Larry David's Clear History Premiering August 10

    Every time a new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm ends, the "Is this it?" question is posed not just by our media colleagues aloud but because myself and Peter. I always insist that this is it, and Larry David will off-handedly comment of its end months later at some unrelated function. Peter points out I say this every time (It's true) and eventually David and HBO say in their nonchalant way Curb is coming back.

    This time it's different. Slightly. David went off to direct the comedy Clear History during the usual "It's up to Larry if there is more" downtime. One look at him in that get-up and I was hooked. The trailer left a different feeling. That, unfortunately, does not appear to be David for the telefilm's duration but the first act. And even then he’s playing Larry David. You delayed another season of Curb just to do Curb: the Movie?

    I'll watch but I don't know, Larry. It won't be too much longer to reach a verdict as HBO announced this morning the comedy will premiere August 10. You be the judge if I'm being overly critical. Check out the trailer below:

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