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    12 Years A Slave Trailer Is Why We Go to the Movies

    The wonder of cinema is taking us to places we've never been to before. Sometimes make believe, like Oz or Middle Earth and sometimes to send us back to the past. To remind us of times before. That as strange as it may sound, there was a rhythm and way to life prior to our existence.

    Just last night I re-watched Schindler's List, and one of several thoughts to run through my mind was reminding myself that this happened. The world was this stark. Our fellow man was that monstrous, as portrayed by the Nazis, and by the same token noble as portrayed by Liam Neeson’s title character.

    Which brings us to the trailer to 12 Years a Slave, the third directorial effort from acclaimed filmmaker Steve McQueen. The plight of Solomon Northup isn't full of plot devices to engage us for its duration and move on. We're not meant to be entertained. This is a reminder. This really happened. Something we should never forget.

    It's why cinema exists and will continue to long after we're gone.

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