Hugh Jackman Wants to See Spider-Man, X-Men, and Avengers Come Together; WIll Never Happen.

Collider got to have a little chat with everyone's favorite buff Aussie, Huge Actman, and he says he wants to see Wolverine, X-Men, and Spider-Man all team like in the funny pages and do some cool stuff together, although we all know this will probably never happen within our lifetime.
If there's anyone that can say anything though, who better than one of the major Marvel bread-winners, Hugh Jackman?
When asked what it would take to see all these guys on screen, Jackman replied:
“Mate, I ask the same question. I literally asked the same question the other day to Tom from Marvel who works with all the other studios, he works with Sony and Fox, that’s his job to liaise. I said, ‘Man, can this happen?’ and he goes ‘Look, it’s not gonna be easy because you’re working with different studios and they’re their properties.’ But I believe—maybe I’m optimistic, I understand at Marvel they’ve got The Avengers, they’ve got a lot of big things going on, but at some point I just find it almost impossible that there’s not a way to bring Iron Man, all the Avengers characters, Wolverine, the X-Men characters, Spider-Man, and somehow get them in together.”
Jackman then went on to say, why not split the cost? Because it's basically the same thing as splitting your ticket at Red Lobster or something.
“(smiling) I don’t see the impediment! I’m like, okay you’ve got three studios, just split it three ways in terms of the cost, and happy days it’s all coming together! I would love to… I’m in for it, I’m totally up for it because I think that would be really exciting for fans across the board.”
If he gets Robert Downey Jr. on board maybe there'd be enough sway to convince someone to do something.
The closest we've gotten was a planned cameo of the OsCorp Tower from The Amazing Spider-Man into the sky-line of The Avengers.
Here's the video:
Well, what do you think? Will it ever maybe happen?
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