GODZILLA Viral-Marketing Campaign Completely Misses The Point

Legendary/WB (the couple who recently just split) have already started off the GODZILLA viral-marketing in the cheapest and least appealing way possible. From big, flashy, and obviously fake screen-caps of "news sites" collected onto a Tumblr (of all things) with letter in each highlighted in red that couldn't scream OH PAY ATTENTION TO THIS harder if it tried, not to mention the FOLLOW LEGENDARY PICTURES AND WB FOR MORE INFO! button at the top.
You know what makes "viral marketing" interesting and cool? The role playing aspect involved of being immersed into a world that you pretend is also yours.
2008's CLOVERFIELD had perfect viral marketing, interesting and mysterious. The Dark Knight, Prometheus, Halo 2, Bioshock 2, Pacific Rim (at first), several more examples slip my mind; but you get the idea.
Well. How disappointing.
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