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    What Now for the Superman Franchise?

    After all the effort to make Man of Steel the film to steer Superman back on track, this is not exactly the conversation Warner Brothers was hoping for. In the short term, they got what they wanted. It is a hit. A big hit, actually, and they got the big numbers here and abroad. In over a week, it's out-earned Superman Returns and exceeded $400 million worldwide on a path headed to $600-$700 million, according to box-office prognosticators.

    Only its second weekend drop stateside was sharper than anticipated losing 65% of its first weekend earnings. A $300 million gross, considered a lock last Sunday, is no longer guaranteed. In all probability, it will get there one look at Warner Brothers' history of saving face has shown. Infamously dragged Returns to the $200 million cross line, ditto The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey last Christmas to $300 million.

    Queue fan freak out. "Oh my God! What does this mean for the sequel?" many ask. "I can't go through this again," other proclaim.

    Relax. Even it stalls at $270 million, the sequel is still happening. So while Man of Steel is fine and made its bread that puts the next installment in a tricky spot. General public seemed to like it fine. But they saw it and moved on (Stiff competition from Monsters University and World War Z didn't help). It wasn't the Destroying Everything in its Path monster many expected. How do you stabilize the franchise you thought you just fixed... when you kinda didn't but did?

    Move it to July; probably the first decision they made, besides re-upping Zack Snyder and David Goyer. Since The Dark Knight phenomenon in 2008, studio has been religious about that date. They haven't had a film in that slot that wasn't a mega hit (Pacific Rim will test that leap of faith).

    Continue the Keep it Classy casting trend. If anything this will probably be Christopher Nolan's big role, committing more well-known actors. Expect to see Household name types for Lex Luthor, whoever the supervillain is and Jimmy Olsen. Willing to bet a few bills "Jenny Olsen" (Rebecca Buller; perfectly fine yet forgettable) is a one movie wonder character and replaced by someone like Jonah Hill as Supes' pal.

    Address the main criticisms, namely the mass destruction of Metropolis and lack of humor. Not one to listen to fan speculation but, for once, they actually have a good idea. Bring in Luthor and his rebuilding the city as a means to comment on that issue and the presence of the afore-mentioned Olsen can inject a sensor of humor. Man of Steel had a few humorous moments (Supes breaking his handcuffs by simply getting up from his chair and throwing the asshole driver’s truck into a tree) but you can't argue it was a mostly serious affair.

    Oh and keep it a self-containded franchise. Ruining your narrative just to segway into Justice League doesn't make for a better movie. Just ask Iron Man 2 and Captain America: The First Avenger.

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