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    Hey Warner Bros, Jordy Roelofs Is Better At "Man Of Steel" Marketing Than You

    You have to hand it to Warner Bros, they have been killing it during their video marketing campaign for Man Of Steel. All of the trailers and all of the TV spots have been pristine. You really can't complain and if you are you're probably just bored with life.

    The print marketing campaign for Man Of Steel on the other hand, absolutely atrocious. I'm not sure if they did a study and decided that lens flare and blurs really catch the general public's eye, but that's incorrect.

    The studio could use artist Jordy Roelof on the sequel. The 24 year old freelance graphic designer from The Netherlands has trumped anything the Warner Bros marketing machine has come up with in the print media category with a set of character banners which you can view below.

    Check out Jordy's website, SYSMATIC for bigger versions of the banners and more of his art. Well done Mr. Roelof.

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