5 Questions with Family Tree Co-Creator Jim Piddock

TMT had the opportunity to chat with Jim Piddock, the co-creator, writer and co-star of HBO's Family Tree.
1. What kind of torture did you put yourself through to transform into Mr Pfister?
Ha. There wasn't any torture for me. But I thought it might be torture for people to listen to a character in a TV comedy, who has a South African accent. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be.
2. Why do you think Christopher Guest trusted you enough to co-create his first ever TV series?
Either because he's a genius or because no-one else was available.
3. What are fans of Guest's movies going to think of the show, you think? Is it of a similar ilk to what they're use to from Guest? Did it have to fit a certain mould fans might expect from his work?
I think it should make fans of the movies happy and also reach a wider audience too. The show has the same style and tone of the films and the subject matter and characters are very accessible.
4. Are you going to be pickier now about the sorts of parts etc you do because of the impending success of Family Tree and your profile in general? Maybe shooting for The Jim Piddock Show next?
I honestly don't project that far into the future, but if I was to do a show with myself as the central character, it would be called The Mindy Project. Oh, wait a minute...
5. I see you met one of the stars of Downton Abbey while shooting in the UK. Did you visit the actual place? How was it? Snare yourself a background role?
Yes, Chris Guest and I did visit the set, which was fun. Especially seeing the cast members from upstairs and downstairs all eating lunch together very cozily in a converted bus during a break in filming. Hugh Bonneville is also an old pal, so I was looking forward to seeing him that day and catching up, but he'd wrapped and gone home about half an hour before we arrived. Maybe he heard I was coming.
Family Tree airs Sundays at 10:30 PM on HBO.
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