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    DREDD 2 Not Entirely Unlikely, Says Karl Urban. 

    Fans of 2012's DREDD who were disappointed by the fact the film didn't do good enough Box Office numbers and thought a sequel was a no-go might have their hopes lifted slightly. 

    Collider reports

    When speaking with Urban, Steve mentioned that there’s a passionate fanbase for Dredd out there and asked the actor if there’s any possibility of him reprising the role in a sequel:

    “Interestingly enough, I did have breakfast with Alex Garland this morning.  It’s not off the agenda.  Clearly everyone has woken up to the fact that an audience has found this movie and loves it.  It’s entirely possible, and if people want to see another installment then they should be vocal about that, because, it can happen.  The power of fandom can resurrect projects.  In fact, that’s what happened with Star Trek.  They weren’t going to do a third season until fans did a letter writing campaign and they continued that series.”

    You heard it! Now, who knows if this will happen; but given the film's impressive DVD/Bluray sale and rave reviews, I wouldn't see what harm it would do. It's not like DREDD was made on a mega-million budget to begin with.

    Either way, it seems more likely to get a DREDD sequel rather than JOHN CARTER, sadly.

    Fans of DREDD are encouraged by Den Of Geek to hit up the "Make A DREDD Sequel" Facebook page, and make their opinions heard. 

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