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    Riddick Trailer

    The Riddick series has its fans, besides Vin Diesel and David Twohy.

    Surely they see the regression in scope with the trailer for Riddick. What started as a cool, little sci-fi/horror actioner morphed into, what was supposed to be, a bigger story of a criminal-turned-hero with oft-comparisons to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and original Star Wars trilogy.

    That didn't come to pass as The Chronicles of Riddick, intended to be the start of a trilogy with Pitch Black serving as its Hobbit, wasn't the bona fide hit they hoped. So now while fans got their wish, still surprised this came to pass, this looks, acts and feels like a retread of the afore-mentioned 2000 creature-feature. Not sure this is what they had in mind.

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