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    Remember that ROBOCOP Remake? They're Still Making It! Here's Proof:

    Some new set photos and a video of Robocop's motorcycle have appeared online thanks to CBM and Daily Mail:

    Rev up that obnoxious fanboy hatred/remake phobia in 3...2...

    “The year is 2029 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Their drones are winning American wars around the globe and now they want to bring this technology to the home front. Alex Murphy is a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit. After he is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp utilizes their remarkable science of robotics to save Alex’s life. He returns to the streets of his beloved city with amazing new abilities, but with issues a regular man has never had to face before.
    Director Jose Padilha reimagines the tale of part man, part machine, all cop starring Joel Kinnaman as the title character, Gary Oldman as the scientist who creates RoboCop, and Samuel L. Jackson as media mogul Pat Novak.”

    The film also stars Michael Kenneth Williams, Jennifer Ehle, Jay Baruchel, Abbie Cornish and Michael Keaton as the villainous Raymond Sellers.

    ROBOCOP comes out Feb 7, 2014. 

    Reader Comments (9)

    If you keep writing sloppy blogs like you do (silly photo-shop, juvenile writing), no one is going to take you - or this website - seriously.

    05-13-2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    THANK YOU! I wanted to post a comment similar to yours but didn't want to come across as a case of sour grapes- - because I used to write for this website ( my writing privileges were taken away from me due to the fact that 'life' didn't allow for me to post multiple articles a week)....... But when I did write for ThinkMcFlyThink I tried to find stories that the other like-minded sites weren't reporting on.
    I mean, who else reported about the actor who portrayed The Green Power Ranger venturing into the world of MMA?

    @Charles Gerian: I know that you're trying to keep your articles 'fun' but these poorly (and frankly eye roll inducing) photo shoped pictures come across as immature and tabloid by nature.

    05-14-2013 | Unregistered CommenterDannyDreg

    Agreed! There are actually some good writers on here who do quality stuff (Jamie, John) but this guy is ridiculous. His posts are too bizarre, I don't even bother to read them.

    05-14-2013 | Unregistered CommenterGerryB

    @DannyDreg Wow you truly are a pioneer of exclusive news and information with your breaking story about The Green Ranger as an MMA -Fighter (something that has been in common knowledge for a while and isn't exactly news-worthy, despite it being a fun bit of trivia)

    I'm sorry you don't write for TMT anymore; but I'm sure Peter and Jaime appreciate your snide remark about "having a life".

    Also I'd like an example of "juvenile" writing

    I'm also sorry neither of you find my PURPOSEFULLY poorly done images to be humorous at all. My posts are too bizarre? My objective posts about movie/video-game/television info are "bizarre" just because of a simple picture?

    If you don't like it, please continue to not read it.

    05-15-2013 | Registered CommenterCharles Gerian

    Who in the blue fuck mcfuckity fuck thinks John is a good writer akin with Jamie???! That's fucking laughable. John is a Nolan apologist and fucktarded and Jamie is more arrogant than me, when he's not trying his ass off to fit in with the cool kids he's here writing the same bs everyone read somewhere else only with his personal flavour of snark and arrogance. The only "good" writers here are Phil, Matt, and Charles. I love to read the articles Matt writes about superhero related films and I used to only frequent the site for Phil's weekly peice(s). Peter doesn't even write articles anymore he just copies and pastes shit from other sites press releases they copied and pasted out of emails. You can't piggy back off other people's laziness and pass that off as journalism. Thank fuckig god Mitch doesn't write here anymore either. That was fuckig painful to try to coherently make out.

    05-15-2013 | Unregistered CommenterArrogant prick

    Wow, it's pretty obvious this whole thing has gotten out of hand.

    I've been freelance writing for well over 20 years and have worked on anything from sports columns, to movie reviews, to published shorts in popular magazines over in the U.K.

    First off, to insult any freelance writer based on what they perceive to be 'bizarre' or 'juvenile' is just wrong. Writing is about being subjective so you are never going to please everyone.

    With that said though, gaining respectability in writing is extremely difficult to attain so one should always try to strive to put quality over quantity (Charles, maybe try to ease up on the excessive photoshop in your posts and stick with aesthetically pleasing pictures; the majority of readers want simplicity).

    As for 'Arrogant prick', don't insult other writers like that, especially those that have been writing on this website for so long. It's obvious they must be doing something right if they've consistently been given the opportunity here. I personally enjoy reading both their columns and think that they do a good job in being both objective yet adding their own 'two cents' into their stories.

    Best to everyone, and please, try not to be so mean. The world is too screwed up as it is.

    05-16-2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

    What the hell is a 'Nolan Apologist'?

    05-16-2013 | Unregistered CommenterJohn DiNicola

    This escalated quickly.

    The reason this site came to fruition is to present each writer's individuality. If Charles wants to mess around with photoshop and create "ironic" photos, we embrace the creativity and encourage it. There is no company line here,. Charles is a productive member of our writing staff and will continue to be until he leaves for bigger and better things. If you hate fun, then you probably shouldn't read some of the posts here.

    Everybody on this staff, both presently writing here and in the past did a great job to help build this website.

    05-16-2013 | Registered CommenterPeter Georgiou

    Does anyone care to comment on the robocop remake? I think it looks like shit.

    05-16-2013 | Registered CommenterMitch Anderson

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