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    Sally Hawkins Will Be In Your GODZILLA Thing, WB/Legendary.

    Deadline reported yesterday that the Gareth Edwards' helmed Godzilla reboot for WB/Legendary has cast Sally Hawkins as an as-of-yet unnamed scientist.

    Hawkins is most well known for her roles in films such as Layer Cake (with a Pre-Bond Craig), Never Let Me Go (with a Pre-Spiderman Garfield), and the Oscar-nominated Happy-Go-Lucky.

    Hawkins will join the varied cast Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Ken Watanabe, David Strathairn, Brian Cranston and Juliette Binoche. The film started shooting last month in Vancouver.

    While nothing is known so far as the movie's plot goes, insiders suggest the film may involve Godzilla destroying some buildings, maybe fighting another monster, and the U.S. Military "Giving it all we've got!" but still not finding the monsters weakness.

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