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    Alexander Skarsgard the Frontrunner for 'The Crow' Remake?

    I've never understood why Hollywood is so enamoured in remaking good movies. 

    I mean doesn't the old adage go, "If at first you don't succeed, try again" not "If at first you succeed, do it one more time"?

    Point being, 1994's The Crow.

    The Alex Proyas-directed supernatural thriller starring the late Brandon Lee is a cult classic.  A modern, comic-noir film that to this day attracts new fans while still exciting old ones.  It's reasons such as this that it baffles me as to why Hollywood would want to remake it. 

    Shouldn't you be remaking good properties that you already managed to completely fuck up?  Daredevil comes to mind.  Green Lantern too.  But instead, let's redo a film that is in all accounts well-made, and ham it up with modern day special effects (sorry the best CGI still can't mimic half-decent practical know it's fake).

    Word comes today that True Blood actor Alexander Skarsgard (no charisma whatsoever), is said to be the favorite for the F. Javier Gutierrez helmed remake.

    News had come out last week that Loki himself, Tom Hiddleston, was the one to beat but that reportedly was nothing more than a simple conversation had.  Skarsgard though, is the one be talked about as his lead role in - what do you know - the remake of Tarzan has been put on hold (hey buddy, enjoy all that hair while it lasts before you start losing most of it like your dad did).

    Regardless of who they pick, I'm sorry, but you can't replace the presence of Brandon Lee.  It was almost cathartic that his last film was about rising after death and the man practically did that by the success of a movie that was completed following his own tragic killing on set.

    We'll see who's picked soon enough as production on the film is rumored to begin by year's end.

    Source: Deadline

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