Zack Snyder Hearts Henry Cavill's Superman

As the marketing for Iron Man 3 & Star Trek Into Darkness descends on to the grand finale with both premiere dates approaching the awareness for Man Of Steel is just getting started. As part of the marketing blitz SFX MAGAZINE met with Zack Snyder about rebooting Superman and touched upon Cavill's performance as Superman, flying, and Krypton.
Zack Snyder:
On Cavill's As Superman
"God, he's so Supermanish it's crazy! There was a telling moment – we put him in the Christopher Reeve costume, because we didn't have a suit yet, we just had the old spandex suit. He stepped out of the trailer and no one laughed. It's the difference between being Superman and dressing up like Superman. If I'm dressed up like Superman it's like a Halloween costume. If you're Henry it's your clothes. It's awesome. Watch the movie and you're like 'Holy $!@#, that's Superman.' And it's not weird or crazy, it's just cool."
On Superman's Ability To Fly
"It's a more violent experience. It's raw. It takes effort to do it, and that's what we were really going for. It's almost like there's this kind of Right Stuff quality to it. He's constantly booming around, accelerating. You think he's going as fast as he can and then it's like 'Yeeaahh!' He's always got an extra gear he can use."
On The Look & Feel Of Krypton
"I really wanted my Krypton to be this kind of special place that’s immersive and totally different from Earth, but not unbelievable. And ancient. I really wanted to give this ancient feeling to Krypton. I love technology that's rusty because it's so old. It's so advanced, but it's so old. That was the kind of world that I tried to create. A dying world that’s ancient and torn apart."
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