"Guardians of the Galaxy" Details Revealed Through Casting Call

~~The Core For the new Marvel super hero film we are looking for males and females who are seasoned professional SAs to be a core group of people who will be used for a variety of different roles throughout the whole of filming.
~~Being on an Alien planet For new Marvel Super hero film about a team of super heroes who protect the Galaxy in the future of a different dimension, we are looking for males and females who are amputees.
~~Doubling for the Super hero For new Marvel Super hero film about a team of super heroes who protect the Galaxy in the future of a different dimension, we are looking for males to double for one of the main actors.
~~Albino males and females For new Marvel Super hero film about a team of super heroes who protect the Galaxy in the future of a different dimension, we are looking for males and females who are Albinos.
~~Tall Aliens For new Marvel Super hero film about a team of super heroes who protect the Galaxy in the future of a different dimension, we are looking for tall males to paly aliens.
~~The Dark Monks For a new super hero feature film we are looking for males and females to pretend to be monks.
~~Mutant soldiers For new Super hero film about a team of super heroes who protect the Galaxy in the future of a different dimension, we are looking for males with Stunt or SPAK experience to play mutant soldiers.
~~Getting around with no hair For new Super hero film about a team of super heroes who protect the Galaxy in the future of a different dimension, we are looking for bald males and females..
~~The Big Man For a new Superhero movie we are looking for a very muscular male to double for one for the main actors.
~~Identical twins For a new Superhero movie we are looking for male and female identical twins.
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