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The Man of Steel Trailer # 3

The teaser trailer last July was an announcement. Superman is back and not like anything you expected. Nothing more... and then we waited.

The theatrical trailer last December gave our first good gage of the footage, performances and tone. The story of a weird and lonely kid not like anyone else ("My father believed if the world found out who I was really was... they would reject me"). Who happens to be Clark Kent and, as the story progress becomes Earth's protector Superman. Once again it wasn't necessarily what expected from a Superman movie.

The components are there (classic hero's journey) and we know how the story will unravel given the character's 70 years in popular culture. From the cinematography (initially the Terrence Malick comparisons and later Christopher Nolan, the producorial driving force behind Man of Steel) to the music to once again the tone, this didn't feel like a Superman movie. That is a good thing. It needs to be different but familiar.

As the release draws closer, that leaves one more important element left unexplored. The action – it's been the number one priority of this project from its inception. "I hope Superman throws a punch." You heard that from Joe Sixpack and online dweebs alike. It's why one hired a director like Zack Snyder in the first place. He can shoot action better than anyone.

So with this third trailer online, how is the action? See for yourself.

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