DREDD 3D Gets A Sequel...In Comic-Book Form.

IGN got a teaser poster from 2000AD hinting at a comic-book sequel to 2012's critically acclaimed (but box-office under-perofrming) gritty actioner DREDD 3D.
While the Pete Travis directed, Karl Urban/Olivia Thrilby starring film's cult following foamed at the mouth for the movie to do well enough to get a franchise out of it, despite fantastic home-release sales, it's pretty much all but confirmed the planned trilogy won't happen.
However, that hasn't stopped 2000AD from giving the fans something to make-up for it, and in September the Judge and Anderson will be continuing their adventures in print-form. Details are expected to be revealed more as Comic-Con draws closer, so expect more from us as information leaks.
It's a damn shame that we'll never see Alex Garland's planned epic trilogy for Dredd unfold; but we'll always have the Bluray to go back to, as well as a comic, which is better than nothing.
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