'Prometheus' Sequel in Jeopardy Without Damon Lindelof? Apparently So.

Not that I thought Prometheus was that great to begin with when it came out last summer (probably most underwhelming film I've seen in a while after all that hype), but that hasn't stopped 20th Century Fox or director Ridley Scott from wanting to make a follow-up (over $400 million at the global box office will do that).
It was made clear following the release of the film that a sequel was going to get made with a likely release date of 2014 or 2015. The snag though was that screenwriter Damon Lindelof (Lost) - who came in and did a rewrite of the film's original script when it was going to be an Alien prequel - would not be returning due to scheduling conflicts (apparently you're that busy when you're an overrated screenwriter).
Many didn't think this was that big of a deal as they are plenty of qualified writers out there who could crack a story for a sequel to a mediocre film.
Well, apparently not.
Word comes now that director Ridley Scott and Fox are 'freaking out' because Lindelof jumped ship before coming up with a story for the sequel. Supposedly, they have no idea how to proceed and are taking ideas from anyone and their mother who might be able to come up with something worthwhile.
I'd be the first to call BS on this one, only because - as I'll state again - Lindelof to me ain't that great of a writer and I'm sure there's plenty of high talent out there who can do just as good a job (if not better) then he could have done.
Lindelof seems to feel the same way as he has come out and responded to the supposed 'jeopardy' the sequel is in, stating:
“As to whether Ridley and Fox are ‘freaking out’ about me not working on a sequel, well that’s news to me. I retain awesome relationships with both. More importantly, the idea that there aren’t many, MANY writers out there capable of taking the reins is sort of ridiculous. I did not map out a trilogy and then walk when the going got tough. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know me and doesn’t know the truth.”
At least the guy doesn't seem full of himself and is willing to respond to ridiculous rumors if he hears them.
I guess we'll see how this story plays out as we're likely to hear more on this project in the coming months. Scott is just finishing up his next film, The Counselor, and Fox is going to want to get this film out before people start to lose interest (though I didn't think there was much for this thing to begin with).
Source: Bloody Disgusting, /Film
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