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    This Is Not Your Father's Star Trek Into Darkness International Trailer

    Whatever the mystery of "John Harrison" (Benedict Cumberbatch), two things are clear by the International Trailer. We're not going to know the details 'till opening day. Assuming blogger don't run to their laptops and spoil it away on fan forums.

    What's also abundantly clear is something filmmaker Robert Meyer Burnett opined. The fundamentals of Star Trek as created by Gene Roddenberry are a thing of the past. The "Abramsverse" as we've come to label this new iteration of the U.S.S. Enterprise is all about pleasing the senses. It’s all about the action, the one-liners, the gratuitous bra-and-panties shot of Carol Marcus (Alice Eve).

    They're building up "Harrison" (I put the quotation marks because everyone knows he's Khan unless this is a brilliant case of misdirection) as their answer to the Joker. Even Bond got one last year with Skyfall. Look no further than the new one-sheet Paramount released.

    Not complaining just observing. As meat-and-potatoes sci-fi actioners go, this works.

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