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    First Look at Christian Bale as Moses in Ridley Scott's EXODUS 

    In a film that is said to re-create the scale of "epic" films from the '60s and '70s, that have since been few and far between, Empire Magazine has given the first look at Christian Bale (American Psycho, The Dark Knight) as Moses in Ridley Scott's 2014 film EXODUS, which as far as we know doesn't retcon and unnecessarily expand on it's classic and praised source material like Scott's previous work did...-cough-.


    Pictured above, Christian Bale stares over the horizon looking for lighting-technicians to whoop up on.

    The film stars stars Joel Edgerton as Pharaoh Ramses, John Turturro as Ramses's father Seti, Sigourney Weaver as Ramses's mother Tuya, Aaron Paul as Hebrew slave Joshua, and Ben Kingsley and releases December 12, 2014.

    The film follows the story of Moses, abandoned as a baby and adopted by Egyptian royalty, only to hear the voice of God as he grows older and ultimately lead the Israelite slaves into the promised land. In this image, Moses witnesses the suffering of his people at the hands of the Pharaoh.

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