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    Here's Your GRAN TURISMO Writer:

    It's been pretty quiet on the front of the big-screen adaptation of Sony Computer Entertainment's best-selling racing game, Gran Turismo;  but word comes today that Alex Tse (The Crow, WATCHMEN) will be bringing the vroom-vroom to life for Columbia Tristar.

    The Hollywood Reporter shed the deets today, of course with Tse taking care of the script and Captain Phillips and 50 Shades of Grey team Michael De Luca, Kevin Spacey, and Dana Brunetti, that gives Gran Turismo a certain odd pedigree of talent.

    No word on plot details; but with Sony's PlayStation 4 dropping just last week, brand recognition will be at an all time high for any and all Sony related goodies.

    Sony's $70 million franchise will be second adaption of a racing game, coming off the heels of Paramount's Need For Speed which releases this spring based on the EA title of the same name.

    If Gran Turismo races past the money-making finish line, I'd probably expect Sony's film division to tap into other best-sellers such as Uncharted (which was attenmpted but shut down just years ago with David O. Russell and Mark Wahlberg), Killzone, and of course God of War. 

    Anything is possible. 

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