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    Joe Cornish Might Direct Your STAR TREK 3 Movie

    Since ol' J.J. Abrams has shipped off to a galaxy far, far away for Star Wars Episode VII, Deadline seems to have information that Paramount is eying Attack The Block director Joe Cornish for it's sequel to this summers Star Trek Into Darkness.

     I’m hearing the studio is sweet on Joe Cornish to direct the next film. Cornish made his feature directorial debut on Attack The Block, the saga of a group of British youths who stave off an alien invasion in their rough neighborhood.

    Sadly, it appears that although we'll be getting a new director to bodly go with the sexy cast into the depths of space, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci will still be on board for the sequel. 

    Deadline is also keen on saying Paramount is reading to shoot in 2014, so no 3-year hiatus between films like 2009-2013's wait period.

    It’s early days on this, but stay tuned. Paramount is readying the movie to shoot in summer, 2014. Cornish is repped by CAA.

    Star Trek Into Darkness finished it's run with $228 million, which was less than the sexy 2009 reboot pulled, $257 million, and while Into Darkness wasn't a flop by any means, it certainly wasn't a giant money-maker, with a lot of criticism pointed at the film's script and unnecessary secrecy regarding the villain , Benedict Cumberbacth as Kahn, which everyone knew before the film's first trailer even came out. 

    What do you all think? Excited? Still, nothing is confirmed; but expect more in the coming months.

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