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    Terry O'Quinn on the shortlist for Lex Luthor?

    Now this is a rumor I can get behind.  According to, LOST alum Terry O'Quinn is on Warner Bros' shortlist to play Lex Luthor in the upcoming Batman Vs. Superman.  

    Over the last several months, many actors have been mentioned as being up for the role of greatest criminal mind of our time, including Mark Strong and Bryan Cranston.  

    Cranston has since denied the rumor, opting to act in a play which begins next month.  Truthfully, while Strong is a good actor and would do justice to the role with the right script, the fact that he was in 2011's Green Lantern misfire as the main villian, probably removes him from realistic contention.  Many people are focusing on the fact that nearly every bald actor in Hollywood has been "considered" for Luthor. While this may be true when reading most internet message boards, I'll come right out and say baldness is not a necessity. Getting a great actor, one capabable of a wide array of emotions, needs to be at the forefront.  

    As anyone who has seen any episode of LOST will tell you, O'Quinn is an actor capable of making the audience empathise and also feel complete malice and hatred for his character.  I loved and hated John Locke at the same time, which is quite a feat for any actor to pull off.

    Let's hope Warner seriously looking at O'Quinn as an option for Lex.  Because, no one tells John Locke what he can't do!

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