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    Rest Easy, Nicolas Cage Fans: NATIONAL TREASURE 3 Might Be Happening.


    While out promoting his comedy film, Last Vegas, due in theaters November 1, director John Turteltaub informed Collider that the sequel to 2007's National Treasure: Book of Secrets could be shooting within the next two years, giving the acting God and immortal vampire king Nicolas Cage a chance to grace is with his prowess on the big-screen.

    When asked about the status of National Treasure 3, Turteltaub said:

    It’s so damn hard to write a great historical mystery based on fact.  It’s not for lack of trying.  We want to do the movie.  Disney wants to do the movie.  We’re just having the damnedest time, writing it.

    National Treasure: Book of Secrets, which opened in 2007 and ended up making a $219 million gross off of it's $130 million budget, seemed like it was poised for another entry; but for some reason that never happened. 

    Turteltaub went on to say:

    We’re closer.  I’d say we’re about half-way there.  It’s not only writing a great historical mystery, but we’ve gotta write something that has nothing to do with anything we’ve done before.  The goal is to always have an original sequel, as silly as that sounds.  We really want to make sure that the third one doesn’t just feel like a repeat of the first one, or one too many.

    The first film dealt with Nicolas Cage and his crew stealing the Declaration of Independence, with it's sequel developing a mystery regarding to several missing pages in John Wilkes Boothe's diary and delved into a large conspiracy about Abraham Lincoln's assassination. 

    Anyone happy about this news? The National Treasure films weren't exactly ground-breaking cinema; but they were fun adventure films, and with Disney's recent live-action films taking a dive, maybe it's time to bust out some good ol' fashioned Nicolas Cage. 

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