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    "That Kid" From IRON MAN 3 Will Be Taking A Trip to JURASSIC WORLD


    "The kid", Ty Simpkins, who starred in this summer's billion-dollar hit Iron Man 3, will be going off on another adventure, although sadly not with a coked-out PTSD-striken Robert Downey Jr; but to an Island off the coast of Costa Rica in 2015's Jurassic World. Deadline reports:

     I don’t think they confirmed Bryce Dallas Howard, who has also been in talks for a role. I’m hearing that 12-year old Ty Simpkins, fresh from Iron Man 3, has booked a lead in Jurassic World.

    Simpkins has starred in such films as War of the Worlds, inSidious, and Revolutionary Road.


    Jurassic World will be directed by Colin Trevorrow with a script by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, and will hit theaters in 3D on June 12, 2015. 

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