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    "Man Of Steel" Teaser With Some John Williams Magic

    I was anticipating the Man Of Steel teaser coming out for what seemed like months, then several days before, we were told what the teaser featured and my anticipation sort of died. What we got was music lifted from Lord Of The Rings with beautiful visuals of butterflies, ships, and some laundry. Doesn't exactly scream Superman.

    To be fair, their are two versions of the teaser, each featuring very sharp dialogue from Pa Kent (Kevin Costner) and Jor-El (Russel Crowe) respectively. Also, there is a great shot of what looks like a young Clark Kent wearing a makeshift red cape around his shoulders and a amazing shot of Superman shooting upwards through the clouds breaking multipl;e sound barriers. Not all is bad.

    There was just something missing from the teaser to me, it seemed very similar to the Superman Returns teaser, which was fantastic at the time. However, in a post Superman Returns world, the marketing needs to go in a different direction. Bolder. Bigger. Action.

    All of that being said, a youtube user decided to get nostalgic with the Man Of Steel teaser and threw the John Williams Superman theme over the pretty pictures. I have to admit it gives me goosebumps.

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