Snow White & the Huntsman Sequel Sounds REALLY Good to Universal Right About Now

The insistence on Universal to cast Kristen Stewart couldn't be clearer. They may have tested cheap, off-the-assembly-line unknowns, in classic cover-your-ass fashion, for Snow White & the Huntsman. But none of those actresses (Don't think a short-list ever leaked) were associated with anything.
Stewart, however, has instant recognizability. When you think of her, what pops into your head? Yep. Twilight. If you saw the film, you know why. They want a set-up for another love-triangle with two, attractive-looking guys fighting over Stewart.
Universal, big on bad decisions if they haven’t noticed their filmography the last few years, went ahead and commissioned David Koepp to pen a sequel back in April. After this weekend, the studio was taken aback by the stronger-than-projected opening stateside (The ever-reliable tracking was soft leading up to its opening). Suddenly, they're confident. They're eager. They want that sequel.
Get ready for "Team Huntsman" and "Team William" quips as they move closer to a Snow White follow-up. Talks are underway for helmer Rupert Sanders to return and the cast are pre-committed thanks to the standard-operating options procedure.
Best pump the brakes on that greenlight though. Let's see how it holds, or doesn't hold based on the mixed word-of-mouth, this weekend. If we’re looking at a sub 50% drop, then take it to the bank there will be a sequel. If not...all talk no action.
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