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    Kevin James Loses Weight & Shtick in Here Comes the Boom Trailer

    The plot synopsis for Here Comes the Boom read of a high-school teacher moonlighting as a mixed martial arts fighter to raise cash to save his school's music program. Then Kevin James got cast. Then you see this is from Happy Madison, the production company responsible for Adam Sander's comedy abortions. They're also big on James and his "Fatty make funny" routine. You saw where this was going.

    Well looks like you (and by "you," I mean me) were wrong judging by the trailer courtesy of Fandango. James is noticeably slimmer and thus adios on visual gags of his falling on his ass screaming. Replace it with what looks like their aping Gavin O'Connor's Warrior, minus the story and heartfelt performances. But it still wants to have those laughs. If you found any, let me know.

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