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    The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part II Trailer - Commence Your Bitching, Internet

    Years from now, we'll look back at the Twilight phenomenon.

    Will the first question our children ask be "Why was this a big deal?" or "Why were people so vitriolic against it?" Fads come and go. We shake our heads and laugh at what we were so religious towards for a few brief years. Young and old, male and female, we've all been into crap.

    It's the hatred to Twilight and its fans (or "Twihards") that baffles. What's the big deal little girls (You know, the target audience) are into it? They've always been into soap opera romances and that non-sense. Nothing new. "Bella Swanson is a horrible person and a terrible role-model for little girls?" Oh shut the Hell up. She's not real!

    Hey if we're gonna play that game then Batman is a horrible role model for little boys. Guy witnesses his parents' murder and instead of going into therapy he dresses up like a black bat and beats up criminals at night. Even gets another, much-younger orphan involved! Ah, double standards!

    I'll shut up now and tell you the trailer for the Twilight finale Breaking Dawn - Part II is online courtesy of Yahoo! Movies. Is it any good? Not really. For the "epic finale," it didn't grab me as particularly epic. But again... I'm not the demo they're going for, and that's fine. Girls will like it.

    Don't rain on their parade, let them enjoy:

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