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    « First Look at Angelina Jolie as Maleficent | Main | The Master Trailer #2 Gives First Look at Hoffman & Adams »

    The Dark Knight Rises Has a Fourth Trailer You Didn't Really Need

    The last trailer for The Dark Knight Rises had a brilliance to how it eloquently sold the action, scope and finality to Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. That was it, we all thought. From here on out, until its July 20th opening, the only new footage we'll get a glimpse of will be from various TV spots and official press clips to tide us.


    This morning comes a fourth trailer. There are new tidbits, some extensions of what we saw from the afore-mentioned television ads, and it still leaves the overall plot a mystery (At this point, I feel like we could guess what happens and not be too far off the mark). It's OK. Just unnecessary after the note of the last trailer left us on.

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