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    Dr. House Versus Robocop

    I'm not sure there is much more Jeff Sneider can do over at Variety, the guy is having a crazy couple weeks in the scoop department and it continues tonight with word that Hugh Laurie is in talks to play the main villain in MGM's RoboCop remake. Laurie, who was completely mesmerizing as Dr. House creating a legendary character on television, is shooting for the most significant film role of his career.

    To me "in negotiations" means this gig is Laurie's and it is just a matter of crossing some t's. He would be playing the CEO of Omni Corp, the company that invented RoboCop. The cast already consists Gary Oldman, Abbie Cornish, Samuel L. Jackson, and Joel Kinnaman.

    As many of you can tell by my whining and moaning I'm not a fan of many of the regurgitated garbage the studios are spewing forth under the guise of remakes or reboots. However, there is one film I think deserves the modernization treatment and that is Robocop.

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