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    « Michael Arndt In Talks to Rewrite Catching Fire | Main | Weekend Box Office: May 4 - 6 »

    Yes, Prometheus is Rated-R

    Speculation and online scrutiny (and by that, I mean dorks like us) is rampant if Ridley Scott's Prometheus would be rated PG-13, and thus open up its commercial chances, or R, and say to Hell with the rude teenagers with their cell-phones and Twitter! Score one for the grown-ups.

    Collider has confirmation Scott's return to the realm of sci-fi/horror will be R-rated. Their proof lies in a screen-cap of a pre-sold ticket, for IMAX 3D no less, with a big fat R stamped in the middle.

    It's cool, simply considering how often we don't see a huge-budget, "For Adults Only!" genre film (especially in the summer). But people do realize this getting an R doesn't automatically guarantee it's better, right?

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