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    « Gary Ross Will Not Be Catching Fire | Main | Captain America Returns to Solo Adventures April 2014 »

    Fox & Lionsgate Kiss & Makeup; Jennifer Lawrence Doing Both Hunger Games & X-Men Sequels

    I was worried Lionsgate and 20th Century Fox would stop being friends.

    Heat Vision reports that despite squabbling the two studios agreed to share the wealth on Jennifer Lawrence. Both had options of the actress and, for a moment, neither appeared willing to play ball so both could utilize her new found status as a household name post-Hunger Games. The thoughts of both making money flashing her name across billboards made them BFFs, I'm sure.

    As initially planned, she'll return as Katniss Everdeen for Catching Fire this fall (Gary Ross' participation, as you may know, remains in question though everyone expects his return – knock on wood) and then segue into another long round of blue body-painting sessions as Mystique for the untitled X-Men: First Class sequel, which starts lensing next January.

    I guess Fox's option on her was that rock-solid since the normal route after achieving the success she's had is to get the best lawyer in the world and buy out of her X-Men contract. Not like she's getting paid a fool's ransom in gold or her role will stretch out since she was essentially the third lead in First Class.

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