Francis Lawrence Will (Most Likely) Be Catching Fire

If Francis Lawrence wants it, it's his.
Simple as that, reports Heat Vision. Lionsgate has sent a formal offer to the I Am Legend director to take reign from the departing Gary Ross for Catching Fire, the highly-anticipated sequel to the still-killing-in-theaters The Hunger Games.
A conclusion everyone saw coming miles away just using common sense given the circumstances. An unspecified fall start-date looming, prime November 2013 release date and star Jennifer Lawrence caught in a tug-o-war between Lionsgate and Fox, currently playing nice so they can both benefit from having her. Lionsgate can be picky all they want with who they say they'd like calling, "Action!" on set. But if they're serious about getting the next Hunger Games out by late next year (and God are they!), they couldn't afford to take their sweet ass time.
So the journeyman Lawrence it is. The ball is officially in his court to accept or decline. But we all expect to hear the former.
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