Paramount Confirms the Obvious - Mission: Impossible 5 Coming

By sheer virtual of its $680 million gross, the fact Movie Hole already heard echoes straight from the top of the Paramount Mountain and the general awesomeness of Ghost Protocol, you knew it was coming. We're getting Mission: Impossible 5.
This confirmation doesn't come from a press release or some inside scoop, but during the shareholder meeting of Paramount's corporate big-daddy Viacom, as supplied by THR:
"And a brief statement made by Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman at the Paramount parent company's annual shareholder meeting Thursday in New York confirms the studio's intention to make a follow-up.
Dauman was asked by a shareholder if there were 'any plans to develop an additional sequel.' His response: 'Oh, yes'"
Concrete details remain on a TBD status. Though I imagine Simon Pegg would be the only returning cast member besides Tom Cruise. If you don't count another Ving Rhames cameo.
Directorially speaking, here's hoping they continue the tried-and-true formula of getting an IMF virgin. J.J. Abrams made his big splash with M:I 3 and he went on to Star Trek. Hopefully Brad Bird follows suit. As much as he wowed with Ghost Protol, the thought of him pulling a new trick from his magician's hat is more exciting than him simply doing M:I 5.
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