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    Katherine Heigl Must Track a Killer of Puppets

    Katherine Heigl seems to be one of the few figures hated by the film-making, film-going and film-blogging community alike. Since I'm making an effort to clean up my act, to a degree, I won't specifically say the things people who've worked with her have told me. Surface to say, a term that rhymes with "bunt" has been brought up. Frequently.

    It's not that she's bad in the acting department (That'd be no reason to hate on someone so viciously), but her "My shit don’t stink" demeanor and well-documented reputation for biting the hand that feeds her. That attitude may have been excused while her career was hot, but after a string of financial flops, her career is now facing repercussions for that.

    Namely, her public plea to revisit Grey's Anatomy, the TV medical drama that launched her career and, you guessed it, smack-talked leading up to her exit, and this...interesting item. Heigl is said to be in "advanced negotiations" to headline The Happytime Murders, via "TOLDJA," where she would play the detective tracking a murder. Of a puppet. In a universe where humans and puppets co-exist.

    How the mighty (and big-mouthed) hath fallen.

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