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    Talking is McG's Kryptonite

    Remember when Newt Gingrich went to Florida and promised that elaborate, and expensive, plan for a moon base? That's McG. Always trying to win over whatever group he's speaking to, telling them exactly what they want to hear in order to look good. Shooting his mouth off and making claims he knows he can't make, just like a politician running for office.

    Years after the debacle of Terminator: Salvation, he's still trying to win fandom’s approval, in what has to be his affliction with battered wife syndrome. Hoping he'll be cool in their eyes with his ideas. He tells The Playlist had his Superman reboot, codenamed Superman: Flyby, made its way to the silver screens in 2006 we would have gotten a much different Lex Luthor than the long-rumored Johnny Depp:

    "We had Robert Downey Jr. locked up to be Lex Luthor, which I think would have been extraordinary."

    Here we go again with the "Hey guys, I had the idea first! Aren't I cool?" routine? We don't need to replay how he claimed James Cameron approved the T4 script and personally recommended Sam Worthington. Were this any other director claiming this claim, I would take him at face value, but this is McG we're talking about.

    Mr. McGinty (Can I call you Joseph?), we all know you were the guy who flat out cast Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent years before Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder came to the same conclusion. Hell, they're using not only your Supes but your designs for their suit in The Man of Steel. You deserve credit for this; credit which will never come, and that's bullshit. But for the love of God, dude, stop it and leave it be.

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