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    Seeking a Friend at the End of the World Trailer is Great

    Lose the starship battles in space, cool-looking aliens and robots. Science fiction in its simplest form is asking, "What if?" Take ordinary people in a world not unlike our own and put them in extraordinary situations. What if an asteroid was headed straight to Earth in three weeks and there was nothing we could do to stop it? What would you do?

    That's the question posed in Seeking a Friend at the End of the World, the trailer you can watch below courtesy of Yahoo! Movies.

    For Steve Carell (who truly is the Everyman among comedy stars, and not Adam Sandler though he likes to think he is) and Keira Knightley, it’s taking a road trip to see the girl who first broke your heart and family respectively.


    We can guesstimate the world will probably not end and Carell and Knightley will probably fall for one another on their trip. But that doesn't matter if the final product is as captivating as this great trailer suggests. We could be in for the purest science fiction film since Children of Men, even though yes, this is wrapped in the "dramedy" sub-genre. I can't wait to see it this June.

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