Darkseid is the Villain in Justice League

I sure hope Warner Brothers knows what they're doing. But I don't.
Everything about Justice League is that kid tagging along your inner-circle. You've seen him around but don't know him that well. Nice enough, but he brings nothing to the table. He just nods, in annoying agreement, to whatever you, or your pals, said. He wants to be a part of the gang, because he likes what he sees. From the outside looking in.
Marvel took one of the biggest risks of our time, to the point of sacrificing the quality of sure-thing Iron Man 2 and large portions of Captain America. All in the interest of painting a wider landscape to the cinematic universe they created. To lead the way to The Avengers, and when that succeeded so spectacularly, that risk was forgotten. Justice League wants in on that action.
Latino Review, scoop kings who unearthed among other things Christian Bale as Batman, Heath Ledger as the Joker (Remember when that stirred up the Interwebs) and David Goyer penning The Man of Steel, say Warner Brothers has settled on the baddie for Justice League: Darkseid.
DC's biggest villain, the intergalactic conqueror was chiefly a physical advisory for Superman. Imagine Zack Snyder visualizing that smack-down versus Henry Cavill. Not a coincidence he bears striking resemblance to Thanos; the death-obsessed tyrant whose cameo in the closing minute(s) of The Avengers caused "Who's the purple dude?" reactions from 95% of the audience. All signs point to his being the villain for The Avengers 2, scheduled to drop May 2015. Opening the same summer Warner Brothers is scrambling to have Justice League out.
Part of me still thinks if Snyder's Superman redo over registers, the studio will get their heads outta their asses and steer direction towards a sequel for 2015 instead of Justice League. There just isn't time, tracks laid down onscreen (Assuming the rumors of Joseph Gordon-Levitt fully accepting the cape-and-cowl transpire) to properly connect the dots and we still have to see how The Man of Steel does.
And again, everyone can see from miles away how desperate you look, Warner Brothers. Don't be that tag-along kid. Set your own path, make your own moves independent of how (well) Marvel did. This is a fight you can't win.
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