How "Real" Can Justice League Get?

Dick Donner famously followed "verisimilitude" as the key to make Superman I and II work. Everything had to make sense within the logic implemented into their story. Even with that, Donner and his team still understood they were translating funny-papers to cinemas. It was okay to have fun and, here and there, say, "Fellas, it's a comic-book!" Superman turning back time, anyone?
The modern-day answer is making comic tentpoles "real world." Christopher Nolan gets all the credit because his Dark Knight trilogy was the most successful and everyone, including Warner Brothers who financed it followed suit. Humor is acceptable (Nobody wants two hours of seriousness) but can't allow for jokiness or anything perceived as "out there." Not acceptable to embrace how fantastical comics are, by their nature. That ideology continues judging by The Man of Steel trailer. No coincidence produced and co-authored by Nolan.
So it’s interesting to see Latino Review's Justice League update. They scooped Darkseid was the villain and now they're here revealing the source-material screenwriter Will Beale is working from and what the threat is:
"Released back in 1980, issues 183-185 were the annual team-up for the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America.
In a nutshell, plotwise, the three issue arc involves Darkseid planning the destruction of Earth by blasting it with a ray that’ll move Apokolips into the Earth's place."
Nothing "real" there and that's without mentioning Earth 2 and the can of worms also known as DC's Pre-Crisis continuity. Don't ask. Yeah... it's "out there."
Why the change of heart, WB/DC Entertainment? Were you that impressed by The Avengers box-office or do you not have Nolan around anymore laying down his rules? Or a bit of both?
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