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    Hugh Jackman Joining 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

    I'll come out and state it: before the end of the year you will see pretty much every member of the original X-Men cast - from James Marsden to Famke Janssen to Rebecca Romijn - joining this film.  This is the X-Men 3 Bryan Singer never got the chance to make and is the closest he is going to get while sequel-izing X-Men: First Class.

    Anyway, unless you're head's been under a rock for the past couple days, you've probably heard by now that both Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen will be joining X-Men: Days of Future Past along with returning cast members James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, and Nicholas Hoult.

    Now comes word that Wolverine himself - Hugh Jackman - will be taking part in the X-Men fan's dream film as well.

    Jackman, who stars in next year's stand-alone Wolverine film, The Wolverine, did a hilarious cameo in First Class and led many to believe he would be coming back for more in DoFP.  With original director Bryan Singer on-board, it was almost a certainty.

    Days of Future Past is a classic storyline that unfolded in two issues of Marvel Comics' Uncanny X-Men in 1981, from writer Chris Claremont and artists John Byrne and Terry Austin. The story was partially set in an alternate future where surviving mutants have been penned in concentration camps, giant robots called Sentinels patrol America, and most of the X-Men have been hunted and killed. In the present day, the X-Men were forced to stop a key event from unfolding in order to keep that future from occurring.

    I'll go out on a limb, but I think this film is going to kick ass.

    X-Men: Days of Future Past hits theaters July 18th, 2014.

    Source: Heat Vision

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