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    Is Joseph Gordon-Levitt Gearing Up For "Justice League"?

    Why would you hire a fairly high profile actor to play a character with a name so generic it almost seemed like the creative team was resigned to a M. Night type twist from the beginning? There had to be more to him than just "a noble cop". We're looking at you "John Blake". Joseph Gordon Levitt was barely even in the trailers or TV spots for The Dark Knight Rises. We were on to you from the opening credits Team Nolan.

    For those who have seen The Dark Knight Rises, and unless you were on another planet at the time not sure how you couldn't have, turns out we were right. Now according to Drew McWeeny At HitFix The Brothers Warner are preparing for the ending to the last film in the Batman Trilogy to expand allowing for Joseph Gordon Levitt to take on the role of Batman in a possible Justice League.

    So let's take what we know and speculate a little bit.  How crazy do you think fans would go if Superman were to take to the skies at the end of "Man Of Steel," finally ready to fully accept his role as mankind's most powerful protector, only to have the closing credits interrupted when something catches his attention and he swoops down out of that sky, landing on a rooftop where Jim Gordon stands next to the Bat-Signal, interrupting just as the new Batman arrives for a chat about Gotham's latest problem?

    It seems to me that Nolan agreed to lay the foundation for a new era of Batman for Warner Bros as long as he was able close out his universe with Bruce Wayne. Now the studio can explore different story lines with another version of Batman allowing for a possible return of Bruce Wayne somewhere down the road. I wonder if they'll call JGL's version of Batman "Nightwing" and run with it.

    I'm still not sold on Justice League happening right away, so the speculation brought forth by McWeeny on a possible cameo by "The New Batman" in Man Of Steel makes some sense to me. Maybe even a Batman & Superman team up film first could work as a Man Of Steel sequel. Remember when Joseph Gordon-Levitt was originally cast in The Dark Knight Rises? Large groups of fanboys were so sure he playing The Joker or The Riddler. Grains of salt are raining down on us. Let the speculation flood the interwebs.

    Reader Comments (1)

    I'd rather see Clark team up with Bruce & I don't see any particular benefit to forcing the Nolan-verse to fit with JL. That being said, as long as the stoy's good...

    11-27-2012 | Unregistered CommenterKal-El Fan

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