Tom Hardy To Headline Splinter Cell

The path to big screen glory has not been an easy one for video game adaptions unlike comic book movies, in fact there has still not been a video game adaption that has really done the source material justice.
However a few months ago Michael Fassbender was linked with Assassins Creed and now fellow fanboy favourite Tom Hardy is set to star as Sam Fisher in the long awaited adaption of stealth game classic Splinter Cell.
Although Metal Gear Solid is the game credited with making stealth based games popular, it could be argued that Splinter Cell took the gameplay concept to a more difficult and painstaking level. This is, along with Uncharted, the easiest big video game franchise to adapt to the big screen. It looks like the film will land at either Warner Brothers or Paramount.
Below is a look at the games evolution from it's debut in 2002. Sam Fisher will be back in the upcoming Splinter Cell: Blacklist, due early next year.
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