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    Announcement For 'Star Wars' Director is Coming

    While I'm not a Star Wars fan, I was rather happy when Disney bought Lucasfilm.  Now they can get that franchise back on track.

    Much has been made about who will helm the next film in the series and potentially the new trilogy as well.

    According to Frank Marshall - husband of new Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy - a decision is coming:

    "I do (know) but I can't reveal it, or I won't be alive tomorrow," he said. "I'm really excited about this. I didn't grow up with it, but I was a big fan and have been since the series started. I'll always remember seeing that big mothership go over the screen. I've never forgotten it. I can't wait to see what's next."

    My money's on Brad Bird.  That man would be the perfect choice.

    We'll find out soon enough.


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