Details On TDKR Flying Craft Formerly Known As "Batwing"

You know that flying craft we've seen via The Dark Knight Rises set photos and we've been calling "BatWing". We've been wrong. According to Wireless Goodness & FCC via some Hot Wheels toy specs, the name of the vehicle is "The Bat". Granted this could just be the name of the toy and the it's called something totally different in the flick, but we're going with "The Bat". Breaking news over.
I have to admit the set photos I've seen that feature what were previously calling "The Batwing" present the flying craft as being "pretty damn cool". I have been wondering if Team Nolan might be "jumping the shark" a bit by having Batman fly around in a plane. Usually Nolan has a tendency to make such things fit in the world he has created, but there is that little part of me that wonders if it could put a chink in Christopher's armor.
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