Warning: Diabetic Symptoms May Occur After Viewing We Bought a Zoo Trailer

20th Century Fox has released the trailer for Cameron Crowe's We Bought a Zoo below your viewing pleasure.
It's been six years since Crowe laid a cinematic egg with Elizabethtown. Unfortunately when your trailer features "Embrace your wild side" as one of its tags, lines like "Sellers say we don't even need any special knowledge to run a zoo - what you need is a lot of heart" and "I like the animals but I love the humans" and that (admittedly adorable) little girl as Matt Damon's daughter, Crowe doesn't appear to have shaken off the schmaltz.
Hopefully the final film (due in theaters this Christmas) won't be up its own ass like Crowe's last film was.
Reader Comments (1)
I love the music, Sigurros from Iceland :)