More Videos Of The New Bat Vehicle In Action
The streets of Pittsburgh were in for a treat today when Chris Nolan's crew filmed the amazing new Bat vehicle in a chase sequence, Comingsoon.Net has 3 vids and there are 2 more, one especially close up, from Pittsburgh ninja extraordinaire subaruwrxfan.
There has been a lot of of speculation about how this thing will look onscreen as most believe there will be CGI touch-ups added in post. The rig pulling it along suggests it will hover just off the ground rather than fly, and you can see fan-intakes in the struts on either side of the cockpit, other reports suggests it is a helicopter and propellers will be added in post.
One thing I love about this is they built it just like the Hovercars in the new Total Recall, rather just going all out CGI, I think that choice will pay dividends in the finished product.
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