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    MGM Hearts Chris Pine for Robocop

    With The Hobbit and James Bond both sporting a pulse, attention for MGM has focused on the new Robocop, among others.

    Twitchfilm reports that while no offers are on the table and it's not clear on where director Jose Padilha stands on this casting, their top pick to take over the franchise is Chris Pine.

    Unlike say his onscreen papa Chris Hemsworth and others like Sam Worthington, Pine is making careful decisions on his film-slate post-Star Trek. Don't want to burn out the public too soon but you don't want to disappear in between installments on your big franchise. So far, he's only done Unstoppable, which did decent enough business last November, and recently wrapped on Welcome to People. In the near-future is Star Trek 2 whenever Paramount plans to release it (4th of July 2013 weekend is my guess) and the Jack Ryan reboot Moscow, that for no explainable reason, I have a hunch he'll eventually walk from.

    I'm sure he was offered every big genre property over the moon the weekend after Star Trek opened. Remember those Green Lantern and Captain America rumors? Good luck at getting him, although it does provide context as to where the studio’s head is at here.

    Reader Comments (2)

    I like pine but I don't think he would be right. I rather see michael fass(erik from first class).

    07-13-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    I don't see this working at all (not that MGM gives a fuck about what I think).

    07-13-2011 | Unregistered Commenterwelshfilmbuff

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