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    New Trailer for 'Super 8'

    Before I even get to this footage that premiered at the MTV Movie Awards last night, let me just say this: Bravo to J.J. Abrams for sticking to his guns.  In a world today where everything and the ending is spoiled for a movie whether online, or in trailers, or in commercials, Abrams has kept the secrecy on Super 8.  I appreciate going into a film and not having been spoiled of knowing already what's going to happen and what to expect.  There's an article over at TOLDJA! that discusses this very situation and how it might hurt the film's box office opening weekend.  You know what I say to that?  Fuck 'em.  Because when this movie is as good as it's going to be, it's going to make a shit load more money weekend after weekend than a front-loaded can of crap *cough* Hangover 2 *cough* ever will.  That's what studios forget these days, if the quality is there, the movie will makes money, big opening weekend or not. 

    Anyway, enough with my rant.  Last night, J.J. Abrams, Steven Speilberg and some of the cast from Super 8 premiered a brand-new look at the film at the MTV Movie Awards.

    I can't wait to see this film!  I'll be there opening night.

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